Our Story

My name is Ryan Kubanka and I am the CEO/Founder of Lozana. Lozana is a trademarked clothing brand whose goal is to provide the highest quality clothes while helping our customers live wealthier lives. Lozana believes wealth comes down to your mindset, physical health, and financial health. Because of this, we have created the Lozana Community. In the community, we help people learn about ways to make money, leverage their strengths, develop their spirit and purpose, and become their best individual self. The best part? You get access to this community by simply purchasing a clothing product.

When I was growing up, many things happened to me that didn't make much sense. Whether it was bullies, family, or the death of loved ones, it all started when I was about 7 years old. Bad things kept piling on as I got older, and I eventually lost myself. I went from a courageous, fearless, happy boy to a closed-off, anxious, and depressed boy. Life didn't make much sense to me. My escape from everything around me was the gym, the stock market, and basketball. And in my free time, when I made a little money, I looked at clothes online. I use the word "escape" because I ran from my problems. I slowly became worse and worse until I started smoking and making poor decisions for my health. I quit working out, and I became a mess as a person with no purpose.

Why am I telling you this? Eventually, I faced my issues, healed and I found myself again around the age of 22. It took me two years of commitment, but I was able to change my mindset, gain confidence, kick my addictions, cure my anxiety, find that courage and passion I had as a kid, and consistently live a good life each day. I did it because of Lozana. Lozana gave me purpose and forced me to climb out of the hole I was in. It forced me to seek a better life, pursue my dreams, and recognize my strengths. My goal is to help individuals overcome psychological distress just as I did so we can have a brighter future. And with the wealth gap getting wider and wider, someone has to do something different. College isn't the answer. I spent a lot of money on courses because people were telling me their way was the best way to build wealth. That's what we all want, right? We want freedom, and money gives us that freedom. So we chase that freedom. I bought these courses thinking they'll help me be successful. In reality? It was best for the sellers, not for me. There was nothing wrong with the courses. But what they were selling in those courses were their strengths, not mine. Which is when I decided to start the Lozana you see today.

Lozana is going to do for you what no course did for me: provide you not only with the knowledge and skills to build wealth in a variety of areas, but go one step further and teach you to leverage your strengths and find your purpose. Of all the courses I bought, zero taught me how to do that. Because it's hard to do for most people. The harsh truth I learned through everything growing up is hardly anyone cares about you. But as someone I love has always said to me: "you're different. You're not normal."

When I first heard "you're different. You're not normal." I took it as a bad thing because others made me feel bad for being that way. The reality? That's the secret sauce to becoming wealthy. 

Being different is how you win. What's hard for them is easy for me because I care about people. And this is how Lozana was born. 

I see the clothes I make as a symbol of change and wealth. It's a symbol of the things I've overcome and the vision I have to help others so we can have a bright future. My goal is three things with the clothes:

1. Extraordinary Quality!

2. Improve the design and fit as Lozana grows.

3. Interact with customers, prioritize feedback, and provide the best customer service. Lozana will be creative to actively involve customers in our brand. It's not just about clothes or making money, it's also about having some fun!

Every person has a purpose, and sometimes they need some help to recognize it along with their strengths. It's not just about the skills you learn, but developing them and leveraging your other strengths to make money off your skills. To show you how to do that as quickly and efficiently as possible is the vision for Lozana. And of course, to make the best clothes to represent it.

Invest in yourself with clothing for a better future!

Thank you for taking the time to read this! Welcome to Lozana!